The two weeks of summer finally came to a close. In just a short period of time, we made new friends here, attended classes together, traveled together, discussed together, and played together, exchanging our thoughts and gifts.

Summer always has its finale, and within these two weeks, China welcomed the beginning of the autumn season with the solar term “LiQiu,” while Oxford, thousands of miles away, also felt the arrival of autumn winds. The third session of Oriel College’s summer institute program has finally come to a successful conclusion today.

It can be said that the summer spent here has been the most special, fulfilling, and joyful moment of my life in over twenty years. Perhaps I am incredibly fortunate. Through this course, I have met many wonderful friends. We have formed a makeshift family here, striving to support and comfort each other, sharing our anxieties and fears. I have made the most of every moment, cherishing the activities within the limited time frame with them.

I have spent wonderful moments with friends from different countries and cultural backgrounds here. We have supported each other, laughed together, and shared our stories and dreams. This friendship and connection will leave a lasting impression in my heart forever. I truly love being here.

Furthermore, all the classmates I met here have been incredibly positive, full of confidence in their future and lives. They firmly believe in their ability to overcome any difficulties.

The climax of the ceremony was when each person received their graduation certificate. The Oxford summer institute, lasting two weeks or even longer for some, has illuminated everyone’s summer. Perhaps for many of us, the summer institute is our only chance to have such an intimate connection with Oxford. The Oriel College lawn, the sunset on High Street, the entertainment at Westgate—these memories will be etched in our hearts for a lifetime.