If you’re coming to study with us and have a passion for writing, get in touch and become our official class blogger! We’ll give you 100 GBP off your tuition fee on completion of the programme.


All we ask is that you are familiar with using computers on the internet, and that you have a passion for writing! You don’t need to have prior blogging experience, although it is advantageous.

What do I need to do?

Your blog posts will be put on our Summer Institute website for the world to see! Your writing will be there to inspire prospective students, and also allow family and friends of all our delegates to get an idea of what goes on day-to-day.

All we ask is that you write each day, with a minimum of 300 words. Picture’s aren’t required, but a bonus of course!

We don’t want you to just recite off what you did each day, either. Talk about what you did and then how you responded to it, how it impacted you, and how it enhanced your study abroad experience – or what you would do differently!

Do I have to just talk about the academic side?

Not at all! We encourage you to write about whatever you like. Give your thoughts and opinions on the food, the accommodation, the city…anything that you’ve experienced.

Handing over the keys to our online blog page is no small deal – we’re also trusting you to keep away from inappropriate stories or topics.

What about Twitter?

As our official student blogger, we’ll give you your own CBL Student twitter account! You’ll be able to use this throughout your two week session to update it with your daily thoughts and moments. This will feed live to our website!

Please send an email to apply@oxfordsummerabroad.com to apply.